Black Arch

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Black Arch

How did I get into black arch? Having got a mac and using OSX, I miss the customizations and power I used to have in Linux, ofcourse there is terminal in Mac, but it’s not the same. I do have vps for some scripting and customization but you don’t get to run the crazy tweaks and hardcore customizations, ofcourse there are friends and brothers who owns a laptop 😉 but well I guess it’s not the same cause they take the laptop back as soon as they see me typing. So I felt the need of a spare laptop, I have one old one but it’s bit broken. Well who cares 😀

It has a powerful distro in Arch Linux, 8 gigs of RAm, i7 4th gen processor and 500gigs HDD. I updated arch to the latest version, oh sigh I had forgotten who easy computers can be, just one command and whole package and os is updated :). Now, I was thinking how can I make use of this laptop, the first thing that came to my mind was security penetration. So it was decided, I had to turn my Arch into Black Arch more powerful than before.

Setting up Black Arch

So I started to download some tools to begin with


You have tow methods
Method 1

#First run 
curl -s | sudo sh

# To list all of the available tools, run
$ sudo pacman -Sgg | grep blackarch | cut -d' ' -f2 | sort -u

# To install all of the tools, run
$ sudo pacman -S blackarch

# To install a category of tools, run
$ sudo pacman -S blackarch-

# To see the blackarch categories, run
$ sudo pacman -Sg | grep blackarch 

Method 2

$ sudo pacman -S blackman

# Download, compile and install package:
$ sudo blackman -i 

# Download, compile and install whole category
$ sudo blackman -g 

# Download, compile and install all BlackArch tools
$ sudo blackman -a

# To list blackarch categories
$ blackman -l

# To list category tools
$ blackman -p  

Now you have all the tools needed to do the security testing, I switched to OpenBox DE with dark theme to make my desktop look more appealing, I really missed how easy it was to do anything in linux, with mac you need to go find the packets, install their dependencies, with arch you just trust the pacman to do the things for you.

black arch

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